Gladi kotor was held at March,17th 2014 on Teater Tertutup Taman Budaya Jawa Barat.
At first, we hesitate to hold Gladi Kotor on that day because there was mathematics business class which finished at 10:30 for class ABC; 12.30 for class DEF. 
Each AT is given 30 minutes to do the introduction stage, sound and lighting workshop, and then after all the AT do those things, they do running from beginning to end without a break.
We anticipate how to make Gladi Kotor can be completed on time and not too late because the TBJ only provide us to use theater till 21.00 and we also consider about our friends who still have to attend class at 07.00 on the next morning. We consider about their health, as well.  
So we held a meeting with all the directors on Saturday, 15 March 2014 to socialize about Gladi Kotor.
Those are things that has been socialized to team of Directors:
-Rundown Gladi Kotor

click the picture to enlarge

-We provide 30minutes each AT for introduction stage, sound and lighting workshop, and running from beginning to end 
-Each AT have to choose 2 persons from theirs to be the PIC for cleanness and to bring trash bags 
-Each AT have each LO
LO BP ABC: Elizabeth
LO RF ABC: Arannisa
LO MS ABC: Triana Apita
LO RF DEF: Aisyah
LO MS DEF: Amertya
LO have to tell AT to get ready in the backstage on time, as well as a time for rest and prayer ; LO also give beverages to each members that provided by the SO; LO should also keep the peace when show is on. In essence, LO is the one who responsible for AT.

When we did the execution, there were lot of things that happened beyond our control. We didn't know that backstage would become that dark when show was on. Flow in and out for props became messy because they couldn't see things properly at backstage. We didn't socialize them to bring flashlight because we didn't expect that it would be that dark.This things happened also when the blackout. Few of AT got hurt because they got stumbled on stage.

This is the first time for lighting and sound crew to try the real usage for lighting and sound. They still have to adapt and learn more and more because Mr. BenJon said it hasn't good yet, but we have to give applause for their hard working and trying.

Bunda said that the performance of AT is 75 percents ready for Oddisey 2014, and i think they do! They have tried so hard and they need to be appreciated for what they've achieved till today.

Overall, Gladi Kotor was done well, and Thanks God it finished on time! 
I hope we can do better on Gladi Bersih and D-day...


At 7th March 2014, Event Division held Makeup Workshop for the Artistic Team, in terms of getting them prepared for D-day Makeup.

There's some changes for the Workshop's details :
1. At first, we planned to held the workshop at 7th March, 2014 with Aula Timur as the venue. But it turns out that the Aula Timur couldn't be use so we tried to find another venue and finally Kresna is the venue for our workshop.
2. The workshop used to be divided into 2 shifts : ABC and DEF, but Mr Benjon and Bunda's request, it will be done together in one workshop.
3. The participants for the workshop was planned to be all AT members as Bunda's request, but we adjust the venue and the participants so it decided that the participant will be 10 person/team, including the main characters and representative of choral characters.
4. We planned to use the tools from sponsorship (so the tools will be all new), but then we decided to use last year's makeup tools as they're still so good and can be use for this occassion. But we still have to buy the other things that already run out or another deficient things, that already done in 28 Febuary 2014.

The Makeup Workshop started at 14.00 PM.
It all started with prayer and rundown explanation by Talent Manager.
The first thing we do is explanation by the lecturer, Mr Benny Johannes (Benjon).
Mr Benjon explained all details about stage makeup and how to do makeup step by step (from cleansing our face, use the foundation as the basic, pick the foundation colours, etc.)
It all followed by practicing the makeup by themselves. SO has prepared the makeup tools divided by the groups (RF, BP, Mimesis) and they have to practice their own stage makeup. Mr Benjon and Bunda gave the example by did the makeup for some characters.
After they tried to do their character's makeup, Mr Benjon and Bunda will check it and if it already rated as good, SO will photographed them and will use the photo as the D-day Makeup's references.

some of the makeup results:

All the team done really well and cooperative, so at 18.00 PM we had already finished the workshop.

I hope everything will be done really well in D-day.

 Jesica Christianty - 19713180
Talent Manager of Oddisey 2014

This is our Report Team Problems, Analysis, and Actions

We see too many differences on progress between each AT ABC and AT DEF
-Based on coaching on Thursday, February 13th 2014, we saw that AT DEF has more progress than AT ABC
-At that time, AT ABC hasn’t have any fix script to be shown yet, the preparation and readiness isn’t quite well, there was no personal motivation between them.
-We made Pre Joint Rehearsal 1 on Friday, 14th 2014 to let them see the progress between each AT, to learn from other’s mistakes and take the lessons, and to motivate them to be better.
Joint rehearsal 2 cannot be held at Padepokan Mayang Sunda
-Padepokan Mayang Sunda is having a renovation at that time including  the lighting system so we can’t do lighting workshop
-Padepokan Mayang Sunda is too far to be reached from SBM ITB, so it will waste our time
We tried to look for another alternative venue, and we decided to take Taman Budaya Jawa Barat as the venue for Joint Rehearsal 2 on Friday, March 7th 2014.
TBJ is not allowing us to use their lighting system to do a workshop on March 17th 2014
-Mr. Dadang as the person who control the lighting there said,  few years ago, someone broke the light without changing it for Oddisey, so they don’t allow us to do a lighting workshop there.
We asked Bunda about these things, Bunda said that no one has ever broke the light there, so we went to TBJ again to ensure and meet Mrs.Lela to talk about the procedure about lighting workshop.
There are many AT who get hurt when coaching especially in lapkir SBM
-There are a lot of fight scenes which make them fall into the ground and get hurt.

-We always try to use tunnel as the venue for coaching because the risk of getting hurt is less than lapkir SBM.
-We provide P3K equipment for AT.

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